Contact Us - Gathering Saints

Don’t just go to church to gather.  
Be the church together!
Gathering Saints
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Contact Us

You are welcome to send comments or a request to submit materials to post.  Documents, videos or pictures are accepted.
Submissions can consist of articles of Bible truths or theology, a true to life story or experience such as how you came to Christ, a sermon, a poem, a story you wrote or one that you found and would like to share, Sunday School lessons, church activities or events or a personal event such as being baptized.   In short anything that has to do with your interaction with the church or your walk with Jesus Christ.
All submissions are subject to approval.  No copyright materials can be accepted unless you are the owner and give permission in writing when submitting the material.  I will send you a message on how to upload the submission along with other information.

"The church is the gathering of God's children, where they can be helped and fed like babies and then guided by her motherlycare, grow up to manhood in maturity of faith." - John Calvin
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